Kitchener, Ontario


February 24 - 26, 2025

Get Registered Now:
Take Advantage of Early Bid Rates & Save!!

Early Bird Full Conference Members (Promo Code Required)

$789+hst / each

Early Bird Full Conference Members 3+ Participants from an Organization (Promo Code Required)

$739+hst / each

Regular Conference Price Members (Regular Price starts January 17, 2025)(promo code required)

$999+hst / each

Regular Conference Price Members 3+ Participants from an Organization (Promo Code Required)

$949+hst / each

Full Conference Non-Members

$1,429+hst / each

If you want to purchase the Member Full Conference Early Bird Rate OR the Member Marketplace Rate, you must email Debbie Mann before January 16, 2025 to receive a promo code that will allow you to buy at the member cost.

Starting January 17, 2025 the Regular rates go into effect.