Kitchener, Ontario
February 24 - 26, 2025
Susan Patterson

Half Day Session Title: How Personality Shapes Consumer Decisions: Let's Read the Room.
When it comes to making choices about the ways we spend our money on, our personalities have a big say in what we choose. Learn how to effectively communicate can influence them. Whether you are trying to connect better with volunteers or stakeholders, or event participants, understanding how they make buying decisions can be a game changer.
1) Recognize and accommodate the different preferences and communication styles.
2) meet the needs of different styles.
3) Recognize and accommodate the communication styles of others.
At the heart of successful communication lies the ability to understand and connect with others, a principle I deeply believe in. Recognizing one's own thinking style and appreciating that of others greatly increases the likelihood of success in any communicative context.
SPG Consulting specializes in using engaging and interactive methods to encourage individuals to explore and realize their potential, both professionally and personally. Our approach is not only educational but also immersive, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and others.
Proficient in both in-person and online delivery, I specialize in personality and temperament style workshops. These workshops cover a range of topics including retirement planning, team dynamics, effective communication, conflict management, relationship building, wellness, and individual coaching.
My background is extensive and varied, encompassing Human Services in both the non-profit and corporate sectors. This diverse experience has been gained through roles in insurance, education, government, hospitality, and personal growth development, equipping me with a comprehensive understanding of various industry dynamics and human relations.
Training Summary:
Personality Dimensions Master Trainer; Emotional Intelligence Style Profile Facilitator; Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certification; True Colors Certification I & II; The Birkman Method; Co-Active Coaching Certification; DISC Behavior Assessment; Progressive Goal Attainment Program; Certified Return to Work Coordinator; Certificate Program in Conflict Management (UW), Alternative Dispute Resolution, Level 1 and 2 (UW).